An EGGScellent adventure!
This weekend we were lucky enough to spend Easter up at the Teakle-Hobba house, at Mt Glorious.
We all piled in the wagon and drove up the mountain. It was so great to get out of the city and breathe in the fresh air.
Bruce & Erika built their own house. Its run on solar power and they have tank water. No TV - hooray! Neighbours are few and far between. The number of stars in the night sky are amazing!
They are surrounded by rain forest - rain forest in which the Easter bunny lives!!
Daddy & Lily woke up, and somebody had visited in the night.....
The Easter Bunny left some more eggs in the garden...
We had a LOVELY time. We made Easter baskets, played Scrabble and went for a bush walk. Thank you for letting us stay Bruce, Erika & family!
"Home of the Easter Bunny" comment from lis was because I told Lily that we brought her here because the Easter Bunny lives in the Mountains opposite Bruce's house. I would often point outside and say "What are those huge floppy ears, is it the Easter Bunny ?" Whenever I tapped my foot she would jump into my arms and say "what's that?"
On Easter morning I was beside her when she opened her eyes and I said, "I can hear floppy ears running away!" She sat up and clutched me. I said "Lets go see" and she got very excited and then we found what the bunny left behind. Afterwards I said "we got the eggs so now lets eat him" and she replied "yeah, cook him up and eat him."
9:16 PM
Crikey, dumb system, i am Lily's dad i dunno how I got to be myredcar ...
9:17 PM
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